0m - 1h SEK 7 200,00 / h
1h - 3h SEK 6 499,00 / h
3h - 10h SEK 5 999,00 / h
10h - 999h SEK 5 499,00 / h

10 minutes minimum

Proflyerpack - buy at least 1 hour and you gain a better price than buying less. 

15m - 1h SEK 8 699,00 / h
1h - 3h SEK 7 999,00 / h
3h - 10h SEK 7 499,00 / h
10h - 999h SEK 6 999,00 / h

15 minutes minimum

Proflyer-pack with coaching. If you book by yourself you will get an instructor appointed to you. Do you want to fly with someone specific? Contact the instructor directly. 

15m - 1h SEK 6 000,00 / h
1h - 10h SEK 5 499,00 / h

15 minutes minimum

For kids up to 14 years old. Progress in your flying and learn how to fly independently and to be able to share time with others. A coach with their focus on you with a briefing before the flight focusing on your goals on progression, loads of feedback during flying and a debriefing afterwards to evaluate and learn.


Book your prefered time and an instructor will be appointed to you. Please show up 30-40 minutes before your booked time. Do you want to fly with a specific instructor? Please contact them directly. 

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Become a part of our community on Facebook! We'll keep you updated on camps, workshops, fun events and so on. 

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Our instructors

Malin: Hej Malin!

Réka: Hej Réka!

András: Hej András!

Jimmi: Hej Jimmi!